Page 5 - Production view

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Storage of industrial
by products
Wet by-products are an excellent feed for feedlot cattle, pig
breeding and as a supplement for cows or calves on forage.
However, usage must occur as delivered with semi-load
quantities used on a weekly basis. When these products are
exposed to air, yeasts and moulds develop, which can harm
animals and reduce pro tability.
As a result, smaller operations are limited on using these
products. Similarly, most dairy farms and biogas plants that
would like to purchase and store feeds cannot utilize wet
by-products because feeding rates are too low to avoid
spoilage and there is disconnect between needs (winter)
versus greatest supply (summer).
Research has shown that wet by-products will not spoil
over time if oxygen is removed. The issue is most of these
products cannot be stored in a bunker silo or be packed.
Flexible storage through silage bags is your solution. Saving
10% on quality losses already pays back the cost of storage
through the Eurobagging systems.
We have following machines available for storage of
industrial by-products:
» GB6 SF
» Truck Bagger